Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Which Has Posed the Greatest Problem for Singaporean in Ensuring Social Harmony †Racial Differences, Religious Differences or the Threat of Transnational Terrorism? Explain You Answer.

In a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society like Singapore, there is a need to manage the racial and religious sensitivities and promote tolerance and harmony. In addition, there is also the need to build national identity by instilling a sense of belonging. Therefore, there is a need to identify the most important problem out of the three and then solve it. The first problem is managing the perceptions of different racial groups. There is a need to manage this problem as preconceived notions of biased treatment by the government against any racial group could lead to the outbreak of violence among the different communities.For example, in 1964, Singapore experienced race riots which resulted in 36 dead and 590 injured. Singapore was in Malaysia then, and the UMNO felt threatened when the PAP participated in the 1964 Federal elections. The UMNO then led an anti-PAP campaign in the medium using the Utusan Melayu, claiming that PAP’s rule disadvantaged the Malays and that Mala y Singaporeans remained poor under PAP’s rule. They also claimed that PAP was uprooting Malay families in resettlement projects. Some UMNO extremists even came to Singapore and made fiery speeches that angered many Singaporean Malays.In July 1964, during the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, a clash between a Chinese policeman and a group of Malay participants turned into a full-blown race riot over the next few days. This shows how the perceptions of unequal treatment towards the different races can cause suspicions, distrust and even hostility among Singaporeans, even if these perceptions are not based on facts. Therefore, this problem must be managed to prevent any outbreak of violence among citizens. The second problem is managing the perceptions of different religious groups.There is a need to do this as differences in religious beliefs and practices are issues that can create tension among people in Singapore, especially if it has been perceived that th e concerns of a certain religious community have not been considered. This is shown in the Maria Hertogh riot during 1950. Maria Hertogh, born to Dutch-Eurasian parents was adopted during the war by an Indonesian Muslim woman, Aminah, as her parents were interned by the Japanese. After the war, the Hertoghs launched a legal battle for the custody of their daughter. The custody battle attracted intense media attention worldwide.The judge ordered that Maria be placed temporarily in a Catholic convent while the trail was taking place. Photographs in newspaper of Maria, who was raised a Muslim, in a Catholic convent before a statue of Virgin Mary affected religious sensitivities and angered the Muslim Community as they felt that their religion was not respected at all. The British courts gave custody of Maria to her biological mother. Upon hearing the judgement, huge crowds outside the court rioted, convinced that the colonial laws, the courts and the legal system was prejudiced against the Muslims.The riots showed that if issues with religious implications are not handled in a sensitive manner, hostility and distrust could occur among people. The last problem is managing the threats from external forces. This also needs to be managed because transnational terrorist groups tend to exploit religious or race issues in order to achieve their political aims, suspicion and tension may arise among people in multi-ethnic societies like Singapore. For an example, the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is a militant group which has been active in the Southeast Asia. Its aim is to set up an Islamic state in Asia.Some of its activities include fund-raising and purchasing materials for making bombs. From 2001-2002, 34 JI members were arrested under the Internal Security Act for their involvement in terrorist-related activities. Targets in Singapore included the US embassy and some government buildings. Following the arrests, there was some mixed reactions from Singaporeans who were prepar ed to do harm in the various ethnic communities. Shocked that there were Singaporeans who were prepared to do harm to innocent civilians, some members of the public expressed distrust towards members of certain communities.This shows that managing external threats poses a significant challenge, as it has potential to divide people along racial and religious lines. All in all, I feel that the problem that has posed the greatest threat for Singapore in ensuring social harmony is the threat of transnational terrorism. As it can cause distrust between both religions and races while the other two can only either cause distrust among religions or races. In addition, if they manage to overcome the threat from external forces, citizens will be able to trust each other and violence and distrust will not breakout.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Percy Bysshe Shelly Essay

William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley are two of the best known poets in the world of literature. And with that being said, it would be very interesting to set their greatest works side by side. But it would be important to keep in mind that one should approach these great works with great respect to unearth hints to what make them great poems. If the works of these two great poets are set aside together, one would immediately notice that nature is much used as an image by both poets. Many of their poems are citing elements of nature, like trees, birds, the ocean, the sky, etc. , and even Nature herself. Both of these poets had expressed their fascination at nature and had incorporated that fascination through their poetry. According to Warren, both of the two poet’s fascination about nature has much to do with the context of the composition of their poems. Both nature poems of Shelley and Wordsworth are deeply affected by the actual time and location of their writings. In Wordsworth’s â€Å"Tintern Abbey†, he was writing a poem on a summer day while just sitting on an English countryside. On the other hand, while writing one of his most famous works, â€Å"Mont Blanc†, Shelley was writing his poem while travelling along the Alps. (Warren) Wordsworth’s poem entitled â€Å"The World is too much with us†, is a piece that exudes the poet’s use of nature as an image. The title alone suggests a conflict between the world [nature] and us [humanity]. Two lines are almost explicitly telling to the readers that this poem is about nature â€Å"getting and spending we lay waste our powers / little we see in Nature that is ours† (Wordsworth 94-95) It is very noticeable that the word first letter of the word â€Å"Nature† is capitalized. Wordsworth’s most likely reason for capitalizing the first letter is to give emphasis on the word, make it stand out in the poem. A common interpretation of the poem would be about the lost connection between man and nature that once was strong. On the other hand, the poem â€Å"Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni† by Shelley does not aim to describe a conflict. The poem is more likely to be leaning towards a statement that man and nature are intrinsically related. The poem is quite long, but after reading it a reader is likely to have a conclusion that the poem is a mere description, just in poetic language. Shelley’s fascination with nature is very evident in this particular poem. As if functioning like a thesis statement, the first four lines suggest to the reader that the poet want to express his immense awe of nature â€Å"the everlasting universe of things / flows through the mind, and rolls its rapid waves / now dark—now gliterring-no, reflecting gloom / now lending splendor, where from secret springs† (Shelley 125) By looking at this poem of Shelley, we could see that he is talking about how the beauty of nature had astounded him. The tone of his poems also suggests that the poetry of Shelley is fueled by the inspiration that nature generously grants to him. Other works like â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†, â€Å"To a Skylark†, â€Å"The Sensitive Plant†, â€Å"The Cloud† and the best known in the list â€Å"Prometheus Unbound. † It is even stated in his biography that Shelley had already exuded a fascination with nature since his early childhood. According to his biography, he had grown up listening to nature stories like that was about the ponds and the woods in the place where he grew up. (Shelley 22-25) Going back to Wordsworth, he had seemingly taken the theme of nature to a higher level. In the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned†, he argues that nature could provide us better education than what we are receiving from schools. He started the poem with what seems to be an invitation â€Å"Up! up! my Friend, and quit your books / or surely you’ll grow double† (Wordsworth 41) Then he would describe the alluring beauty of nature in the second stanza. Then Wordsworth would throw in the third stanza the line â€Å"books! Tis a dull and endless strife† explicitly reiterating and reinforcing his argument that nature is the better educator our system of education. He proposes nature as the alternative educator in the same stanza â€Å"some, hear the woodland linnet / how sweet his music! on my life. † He would end the third stanza with a bold claim that â€Å"there is more wisdom in it [nature]. † The fourth stanza would end in two arguably preachy lines â€Å"Come forth into the light of things / let Nature be your teacher. † In the next stanza Wordsworth had addressed nature as a â€Å"she†: â€Å"she has a world of ready wealth. † It is typical of nature poets to portray nature with a feminine tone. That is because both nature and women are regarded as the giver and nurturer of life. (Wordsworth 41) The poem â€Å"The Tables Turned† had undeniably established Wordsworth as a nature poet. The way he had presented his argument about nature is really exceptional. He had presented nature as a generous educator in this poem. In the fifth stanza there is the line â€Å"truth breathed by cheerfulness. † What Wordsworth may have been trying to say is that unlike most schools, nature is willing to give the education for free through her â€Å"†¦world of ready wealth. † And this kind of education that nature offers surpasses the kind of education that schools can provide. Wordsworth is claiming that nature â€Å"†¦has our minds and hearts to bless. † He presented to us the possibility that nature â€Å"may teach you [us] more of man. † Wordsworth is suggesting that nature could teach us lessons beyond what we could learn in classrooms and books, like about â€Å"†¦moral evil and of good. † The phrase â€Å"the light of things† could be roughly interpreted as the â€Å"truth† that all of us should be aware of. As we go further with the poem, we could observe that Wordsworth had stood his ground in this particular poem. There are no hesitations, diversionary design; he did not even leave a space for rebuttals. He had shown his strength as an author by being loyal to his argument and presenting it in a very convincing manner. We could just imagine the influence of this poem to other poets, considering the status of Wordsworth as one of the greatest writers that had ever lived. In many sense, the poem â€Å"The Tables Turned† had become a mouth piece for Wordsworth’s fascination of nature. He had wittingly and ended the piece with the last stanza starting with the lines â€Å"enough of science and of art / close up those barren leaves. † In the case of Shelley, his poems oftentimes describe instances when nature is communicating with him. As a response, he uses nature as the main image for his poems. He had expressed this special kind of communication with nature through his poem â€Å"The Sensitive Plant. † The design of the poem is seemingly a mere poetic description of the mimosa, or more commonly addressed as the â€Å"sensitive plant† â€Å"a sensitive plant in the garden grew, and the young winds fed it with silver dew† (Shelley) But a thorough reading of the poem would lead the readers to Shelley’s likely-intended profound realization. A common interpretation of Shelley’s poem is that it claims that elements of nature, just like human imagination, could provide us with a more agreeable version of the concept of life. Shelley had expressed this through the stanza â€Å"it is a modest creed, and yet / pleasant if one considers it / to own that death itself must be / like all the rest, a mockery† (Shelley) Conclusion As nature poets, Wordsworth and Shelley would definitely share lots of striking similarities in terms of writing style. Both of them would sprinkle their poems with objects associated with nature like trees, ocean, animals, etc. Both of them would also include the word â€Å"Nature† with the first letter capitalized to give emphasis. It would also be typical of their poems to address nature as a â€Å"she† in line with the common notion that nature is a representation of womanhood. But of course, there would be a significant difference between the two poets’ use of nature as an image. Aside from the fact that Shelley had focused on the relationship of man and nature, he had also used the image of nature to paint a beautiful image of nature using his poems a canvass. On the other hand, Wordsworth had used the image of nature to allude to some concerns of the society, like education. It is not that one poet is superior to the other, after all, they are not competing as to whom can provide a more beautiful rendition of nature. As nature poets, they are already aware of the fact that nature would always be beautiful as it is. Their poems would just be a reminder of the undeniable beauty of nature. Works Cited Shelley, Percy Bysshe. The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley: With an Introduction and Bibliography. UK: Wordsworth Editions. 1994 Wordsworth, William. Selected Poems of William Wordsworth. UK: Heinemann. 1958 Warren, Amelia. Nature, Shelley, and Wordsworth. Retrieved 1 June 2008

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Law1

Business Law1 Essay The full name of the first company I chose is Entrust Technologies Inc. The state and year of incorporation is Texas in 1996. The company was a spin-off of Nortel Networks. The worldwide headquarters for the corporation is 4975 Preston Park Blvd Suite 400 Plano, Texas 75093. The Chief Executive Officer and President of the company is John Ryan. The number of shareholders is in the 26, 000 range and the stock is traded on the NASDAQ. The ticker symbol for the corporation is ENTU. The CUSIP number is _________. The price range of Entrust Technologies from 1998 1999 was $24 upon opening on January 1, 1998 and its close was $60 on December 31, 1999 (See chart 1.1, attached to back of paper full year price range). The corporation has many subsidiaries that it recognizes: Entrust Technologies Limited, Entrust. net, Entrust Technologies (United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan), Entrust Technologies GmbH (Germany) and CygnaCom Solutions. Entrust Technologies Inc. provides products and services to ensure secure electronic communications and transactions over the Internet, Extranets and Intranets. ( html) The company is ahead of its game in the Internet business. A lawsuit was filed against the company in February of 1999 by Surety technologies, Inc. The lawsuit involved the supposed infringement of patent rights on the part of Entrust Technologies. Surety said they developed a digital timestamping method using hash and sign. They claim it was their method and only theirs. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia ruled for Entrust claiming that the patent covering the special hash -and- sign method used by Surety was not a new thing. Any company could use the technology to better their communication systems by timestamping electronic documents. The lawsuit and verdict proved to the rest of the world that Entrust Technologies is ready to advance all companies with special devices to make their business run a little bit smoother. The verdict was handed down in November 1999 and gave ENTU a very strong third quarter. Their revenue increased from $13.0 million to $22.6 million in one year. The lawsuit benefited, not hampered the business practices of Entrust Technologies. There are literally hundreds of competitors in the computer services business. AutoBytel Com Inc., Agency Com LTD, Publicard Inc, Zapme Inc., Knot Inc. and Paychex Inc. are just some of the companies that compete in the business with Entrust Technologies (See 1.2, attached file regarding the competitors). VectorVest rates the long-range outlook for the stock poorly in most areas. They rate stocks well that are steady and predictable. All the stocks are rated on a 0.00 2. 00 scale, a relative safety greater than 1.00 is safe and below 1.00 is not a safe buy. ENTU was given a relative safety of 0.71, very poor. The relative value is a 0. 82, also poor. When a stock has a relative safety and value greater than 1.00 the earning rate will increase and shares will increase in value. Entrust was given a relative timing rating of 1.04, which is fair in this field. The trend established is fair and might last depending on the stocks dependability. VectorVest also suggests that ENTU is overvalued and having a high-risk dividend because it does not pay a dividend. This also shows that ENTU has not dividend growth and that indicates future outlook and past history. In conclusion, Entrust Technologies has a below average safety with below average upside potential. This reflects the stocks potential and almost ensures below average, inconsistent returns. rates ENTU as having no interest at this time. Entrust Technologies Inc. was a good buy. I disagree with the critics on this one. When I bought the stock on January 20th it was at $56 and it rose up and down slowly to 92 .

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human Race Past and Future in Anthropology Essay

Human Race Past and Future in Anthropology - Essay Example Agriculture means man’s interference in animal and plant reproduction as well as the distribution system-reaching peak in ecologically simplified and genetically susceptible monoculture. Dependency on few cultivated and domesticated plants decrease dependability on wild resources. The dependency makes it necessary for the society to maintain food producing economy and transformation of conventional base of society or even change of the physical environment. Change in dependency of cultivated food makes increases impossibility of returning to the gathering economy; thus, village farming communities resulted in cities and eventually countries hence attributes of civilization are firmly established and with uninterrupted material progress (Khatry 20). Therefore, agriculture was never an idea of an individual or group of individuals it developed in various ways in different parts of the world. Some of the consequences are far-reaching and similar to all people everywhere. The vari ous consequences of food production include increased carrying capacity of land, growth of sedentary society, transformation of social structure, specialization in craft and rise of civilization. Thus, whatever is visible in the modern civilization is a product of man’s shift to agriculture; moreover, not all consequences are favorable to human society. Agriculture brought a lot of pressure, chain of problems and deficiencies for man to handle particularly when the production of food moved beyond the incipient level. The significant consequences resulting from food production include increase of numbers and density of human population, the rise of political organization, conflicts and exchange, human health and biology and impact on physical environment (Haviland 300). The shift to food production though not a planned event, it has not been able to handle some of the problems it creates. While gatherers still live above starvation with less effort to procure food, agriculture struggles to feed the population despite utilization of technology. Agriculture cause damage to natural vegetation since it kills plants by use of biochemical elements. Therefore, civilization together with technology, state government increased problems in man’s life. Since narrowing of food resources to few plants and animals man’s healthy condition deteriorated (Khatry 22-23). Q2 The future of human race has been a point of concern to writers for centuries with some arguing the human race is destined to evolve into super-beings, while other writers argue that human beings are changing into goblins incapable of nothing more demanding. Nevertheless, leading geneticists believe that these observations are wrong since human evolution has halted. According to Jones, a professor at University College London believes that the forces driving evolution like natural selection and gene

UNIT 3 ACTIVITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UNIT 3 ACTIVITY - Essay Example Of most significance is my desire to be able to contribute positively to the lives of people I meet. To do this, I consider a rational and consistent approach to be essential. Emotionally I strive to keep up a continued positive and compassionate attitude, so that the people I encounter can accept me as someone who does not influence them negatively. Instead, I would prefer to be understood as a person who is able to help by accepting and listening to others without preconceptions or prejudices, or even my own emotional state influencing my interactions. While I do understand that this approach is important in the practice of psychology, it is also clear that this helps in all my interactions with people: professional, in the academic context, and personally within my family and friendship circle. The most important relationships in my life are with my close family members. To ensure that these relationships grow is an ongoing goal. I believe that these relationships contribute to success in everything I do. They certainly help me to maintain a balanced, rational, and consistent approach in my life. The honestly expressed opinions of those close to me help me to make difficult decisions with the security that I am advised by people who care for me. Further, I want to focus on becoming someone my family can look to when their decisions are difficult. We should be able to offer reciprocal and non-judgmental support to one another in all situations, so that we are all able to succeed personally and professionally. I believe that this kind of support â€Å"at home† will help anyone to succeed in their lives. In order to satisfy my academic needs, I aim to achieve a doctoral degree. I enjoy academic study so continuing to pursue new knowledge and skills contributes to my personal well-being. To achieve well within an academic sphere also allows me to build and maintain a good self-image – I feel that I am working hard to meet my potential, while moving closer

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Big Data is a relative topic for most industries Research Paper

Big Data is a relative topic for most industries - Research Paper Example Such is the importance of getting valuable and timely insight nowadays that the exploitation of big data is considered a crucial component in the chances of success of a firm (Lynch, 2008). Investment in big data however does come with significant risks which participants must account for. A recent report published by Transparency Market Research indicates that the global big data market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 40.5% from the years 2012 to 2018 (PR Newswire, 2014a; 2014b). Seemingly great news on the outset, it does have some important connotations. Given the affordable rates of internet subscriptions, service providers do not necessarily have the cash to invest in their network bandwidth. This creates the possibility of speed deficiencies, network overload and collapse as the upsurge in the availability of big data will not be matched by requisite bandwidth to support it. Without the necessary ancillary services present, revenues of the big data industry could be affected. Moreover, the big data industry is warm towards new entrants. Hadoop, the open source software utilized by major market players such as IBM and Oracle, is available for free for use by other parties as well (Sonderegger, 2014). This proposes a great competitive risk to current players in the market, especially with corporations such as Yahoo, Facebook, LinkedIn and eBay all applying this technology nowadays as well (Sonderegger, 2014). This could also give impetus to the industry giants to acquire patents to secure their place in the market by squeezing out competition. Halting technological innovations and breakthroughs will be an important repercussion of this type of action. The emergence of cyber crime poses a great threat to the progress of the big data industry. Customers should have complete faith in the ability of companies dealing in big

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Christian Tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Christian Tradition - Essay Example The New Testament Christians also believe that they descended from the old Testament prophets and cannot deviate from such a believe in one true God since it worked well with their ancestors who were favored by God over other surrounding nations. There is also a belief that God will accept all who will come to believe in Him and renounce all other gods they have been worshiping (Grenz 75). Just like the Old Testament Christians, the modern Christians also believe that the Invisible God has revealed himself to us through Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus is the messiah or the savior who is God’s own son and divine in nature (Harris 40). The bible in the gospel of John chapter 3 and verse 16 refers Jesus as God’s only begotten son who He gave to come and die for the forgiveness of sins of many. The New Testament Christians believe that Jesus died and resurrected to redeem us from our sins and this is for all who will believe in Him (Bible 823). Jesus is therefore the pillar of Modern Christians because their faith is totally based on Him. He is believed to be the Head of the church and the King of all creation hence Christians have to confess that Jesus is Lord to receive the salvation that comes from Him. Jesus is believed to have the divine nature in Him and He himself is God. In the gospel of John chapter 17 and verse 21, Jesus calls Himself the Son and God the Father to bring a distinction in His form. However, He declares that He the Son and God the Father are one (Bible 840). The New Testament Christians also believe that there is the indwelling spirit who guides them in their daily walk with God. Before Jesus left this world to go and be with the father, He promised to leave His disciples a helper and that is the Holy Spirit. In the gospel of John chapter 14 verses 16 and 26, Jesus declares the Holy Spirit coming from the Father and coming to represent Him in the world and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Reflective Account of Exam Preparation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

A Reflective Account of Exam Preparation - Essay Example The first step in Gibbs Reflective Cycle is the evaluation of what happened in a situation. Due to a variety of reasons, I usually find that I am doing most of my reading at the time of exam preparation- that is the latter stages of the semester. Compared to the amount of course work, the amount of time I dedicate to the studies is to a large extent not enough. This results in a situation in which I am forced to cram in the last minute rush to cover the entire scope of the course work. Consequently, my exam preparation is riddled with pressure and anxiety and thus reduction in the effectiveness of studying. To remember what one reads, they should go through a process of association, visualization and concentration, which have to be repeated severally in order to get a perfect understanding and recall capacity. Association generally involves linking the items that need to be remembered together in particular fashions or relating them to some of the things you are comfortable with in terms of memory. Visualization complements association through creating images of the items you need to remember basing on things that are familiar to you. Optimal levels of concentration are required for effectiveness to be achieved in terms of recall capacity after studying. Finally, one is required to perform repetition of the association and visualization during study in order to internalize the concepts and ensure they will be able to remember them. Dedicating the least time for my reading is clearly not enough to allow myself to undertake all these steps in their entirety and as a result I am forced to adopt cramming as a last resort method of studying. This has the effect of lowering confidence and causing anxiety, which as shall be seen later does not augur well with the exam preparation. The environment in which I study also forms the context of the event. There is usually music in the background since I prefer studying in my room, besides a host of interferences that make it difficult to concentrate. Montrose (2009) reckons that one’s study space is critical to their ability to study effectively. It should first fit your preference, be without interruptions and be comfortable enough for study. I realize that my best study mode is in a quiet place and without interruptions, two things that my room does not offer. I usually have friends coming over and causing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Statement of Purpose - Essay Example Based on this, I am applying for the MSF at FIU. I am a Senior Finance major with experience and committed to improving my knowledge in financial strategy and solidifying my technical skills in order to return to my country and help in its financial development.   My strong interest to pursue a graduate degree emerged when I transferred to FIU after getting my AA degree from Miami Dade College. At Miami, I learned English in 6 months and went straight to MDC where I left with a GPA of 3.20 and were admitted into the undergraduate Finance program at FIU. While at MDC, I got a chance to go to China for a month during the summer, where I took Macro and Microeconomics and learned how to deal and socialize with people in an extremely different culture. Furthermore, I have been a member of ALPFA and AMA organizations from where I have learned how to build relationships and equip myself with what I need to be a successful professional. Many people find it unusual that I do not work while studying and that I want to get my graduate degree right after graduating from my undergraduate studies. I ascribe to the Luanda culture, of which people generally do not work while studying, but it is a personal choice to get my graduate degree right after my bachelor’s program. I chose to do this so that I can get an internship while pursuing my MSF in order to get hands-on experience before I go back to Angola. I am strongly convinced that I am ready and well prepared for this graduate program. It will expand my knowledge in finance, certainly equip me with experience working with financial software, and help me interact with knowledgeable and skillful people from different backgrounds. All these will make me more marketable and will probably help secure a good job in Angola. I believe that my background and goals are satisfactory for a master’s degree of Science in Finance at Florida International

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Value added Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Value added - Coursework Example Although some view this exporting of raw materials to be beneficial, it is in order to say that the value-added industries succumbs losses in terms of employment to the public. Value-added for processing the raw materials allows for growth in the economy since it is considered efficient in comparison to export of the latter. If a company exports raw materials, as opposed to processing it themselves, the cost of the input is high due to the travelling costs, processing amounts and other expenditures at hand. In this case the value-added becomes low thus less efficient. Also, value-added for processing raw materials helps in the company’s operations strategies compared to value-added for exporting the raw materials. This is seen in the amount of money that is saved within the company. Obviously, with the right equipment to process the raw materials to the final product, valuable costs are saved and so the value-added industry prevails. It is cost effective and reliable in terms of value-added for processing raw materials compared to value-added for exporting the raw materials. Time spent to effectively process the raw materials to a finished product is favourable to consider in adding value to the item. Putting this into consideration then we have that value-added for exported raw materials is low compared to that of value-added for processing the same raw materials since there is less time involved in production of the raw materials within a firm than to export them for

English-language films Essay Example for Free

English-language films Essay 1. How are the pictures helpful in understanding the selection? 2. Why did the noise of the sonar speed up? 3. Why did the Titanic sink? 4. How were Frederick’s Fleet and Minnie Coutts alike? 5. If you wanted to prove the fact that over 1,500 people died out of the more than 2,300 people on board, what would you use to prove this? 6. What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 7. The author uses figurative language, including comparing the ship to a â€Å"ghost from the ancient past,† saying the ship is â€Å"weeping great tears of rust,† and saying he felt as if he â€Å"had walked into a dream. † Why does he do this? 8. Tell how the author felt about seeing the Titanic. 9. Imagine that the author kept a journal. Write one or two sentences to tell what he might write after he came up from his first trip to the Titanic 1. How are the pictures helpful in understanding the selection? 2. Why did the noise of the sonar speed up? 3. Why did the Titanic sink? 4. How were Frederick’s Fleet and Minnie Coutts alike? 5. If you wanted to prove the fact that over 1,500 people died out of the more than 2,300 people on board, what would you use to prove this? 6. What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 7. The author uses figurative language, including comparing the ship to a â€Å"ghost from the ancient past,† saying the ship is â€Å"weeping great tears of rust,† and saying he felt as if he â€Å"had walked into a dream.† Why does he do this? 8. Tell how the author felt about seeing the Titanic. 9. Imagine that the author kept a journal. Write one or two sentences to tell what he might write after he came up from his first trip to the Titanic

Monday, July 22, 2019

Vietnam Currency Protectionism Essay Example for Free

Vietnam Currency Protectionism Essay Vietnams decision to devalue its currency by 5 per cent last week to protect itself from undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi, and the worried response from Thailand and other Asian countries, suggests the move towards global trade conflict may already be unstoppable. As one group of countries seeks to gain or maintain trade advantage by manipulating their currencies, the historical precedent suggests that countries that are not able to devalue will respond with trade protection, especially tariffs and other barriers, and global trade will suffer. In the 1930s many, but not all, major economies imposed draconian constraints on trade which sharply contracted international commerce and almost certainly slowed the global recovery. It was widely understood then that the collapse in international trade would only worsen the crisis, and yet countries, seeking to protect their own positions, collectively engaged in behaviour that left them worse off. American economists Barry Eichengreen and Douglas Irwin recently published a paper examining the roots of the post-1930 surge in protection. They argue that during the 1920s and shortly after the onset of the 1929 crisis, several countries abandoned the gold standard and engaged in beggar-thy-neighbour competitive devaluations. These countries subsequently experienced rapid improvements in their trade balances and suffered much less from the ravages of the global contraction of the 1930s. But others, most obviously the US and European gold bloc countries, were sharply constrained in their ability to adjust their currencies. These countries suffered much of the brunt of the adjustment as imports became more competitive against their domestic industries, especially in relation to countries that were less constrained. These were also the countries that were most likely to resort to what the authors call the second-best adjustment mechanisms tariffs, import quotas, exchange controls, and so on. The exchange rate regime and economic policies associated with it were key determinants of trade policies of the early 1930s, they wrote. Countries that remained on the gold standard, keeping their currencies fixed against gold, were more likely to restrict foreign trade. With other countries devaluing and gaining competitiveness at their expense, they adopted such policies to strengthen the balance of payments and fend off gold losses. That should not surprise us. In a world of contracting global demand policymakers were concerned not just with measures to boost domestic demand but also with measures that allowed them to acquire a greater share of foreign net demand. The easiest way to do this was by devaluation. But countries that were unable to realign their currencies remained under pressure to find alternative ways of helping their domestic industries. They resorted to tariffs and import quotas. The same thing may be happening again. Of course no currency is any longer tied to gold, so there is no country whose ability to devalue, as in the 1930s, is limited by a commitment to maintain gold parity. But there are countries whose abilities to manage their currencies are nonetheless severely constrained. The US dollar, for example, is widely believed to be overvalued, especially in relation to the currencies of Asian nations. Because of massive intervention by Asian central banks, however, it is proving almost impossible for the dollar to adjust sufficiently, except against floating currencies such as the euro. This creates a similar problem for Europe. Although few analysts believe the euro to be undervalued against the dollar indeed, most believe it is more likely to be overvalued it is nonetheless forced to bear the brunt of US dollar adjustment by further appreciation. This means that both the US and eurozone countries suffer from currency intervention and competitive devaluations elsewhere, with little room to adjust. What can the US and Europe do? If Messrs Eichengreen and Irwin are right, they are likely to resort to the same second-best options available to them as countries locked into overvalued gold exchange rates in the 1930s. They will raise tariffs or otherwise intervene directly in trade, and it is pretty clear already that as US and European anger over currency misalignment grows, the recourse to protectionism is also growing. Nearly everyone agrees that a world that retreats into direct and indirect forms of trade protection is a world that is worse off and likely to recover more slowly from the global crisis. But the fact that everyone seems to agree on this point should not allay our worries. In the 1930s, it was also well understood that the crisis would be exacerbated by plunging international trade. This did not stop a descent into protectionism which put the Great into the Great Depression. Once again it seems we are going to make the same mistake. Countries that can expand their share of global demand by competitive devaluations are seeking to do so. Countries that cannot will almost certainly consider more direct forms of intervention. We should worry. Without serious global co-ordination, in which the US and Europe forswear protectionism in exchange for significant appreciation of undervalued currencies, rising tariffs appear inevitable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Plan For Nike Products Business Essay

Business Plan For Nike Products Business Essay Nike Inc. is one of the renowned and largest manufacturers and importers of footwear and apparel. The present study aims at introducing the Nike products in a country where there are some restrictions upon women to select items that are not matched according to their religious ideology. For this a detailed market plan ahs been prepared and write up has been made for initial feasibility of necessary funds for cost allocation and advertisement. The study also made a SWOT analysis in such countries and view whether there are certain implications for the introduction of NIKE products or not. Introduction to NIKE Business: NIKE Inc. is renowned as worldwide importer of Japanese shoes and has proved it t to be the largest dealer in footwear and apparel. The estimation for the likeness of the NIKE products can be sketched from the overview that Nike products are sold on almost 20,000 retail accounts in USA only and about in 110 different countries. Apart from the athletic footwear, the company also sells Nike and Bauer brand sporty tools brand by Cole Haan and informal footwear and the Sports etc. The company is directly involved in the designing, development and marketing of its products while manufacturers are located in overseas. The company has a strategy to made consistent innovation in design of its products and heavy promotion in order to excel growth all over the world. Nike products were introduced by Philip H. Knight in 1962, who with an idea to eliminate the monopoly of German products on American market, started to import its products to USA on small scale. Along with the introduction of large range of products (Blue Ribbon sports shoes, Boston Shoes, soccer shoes) to satisfy customers demand, the firm ultimately shaped into Nike, Inc. By the end of the decade, the company has opened many retail stores within the region but the main problem faced by Knight was the lack of capital that has been financed by Japanese trading company Nissho Iwai Corporation. The availability of external financing enables Knight to arrange the manufacturing of its products overseas with the help of independent contractors. In order to import its products overseas, the company has introduced its brand name Nike in the whole world. The Company has tried to introduce new line of products in athletic shoes range but the growth of the company truly begun to take-off with the introduction of jogging shoes that were sold in United States in late 1970s. Nikes revenues turned to be tripled within two years in 1976 and then became doubled in just one year in 1977. To satisfy demand, the company opened new manufacture outlet, in Taiwan and Korea. An acceleration of sales was expanded with the introduction of NIKE products in Asian and South American markets in 1977. By 1982, in the companys line of products, more than 200 different kinds of footwear has been introduced by the company including the Air Force, basketball footwear, and shoe for racquet sports, the Air Ace, the newest models of innovative shoe designs that had pressed Nikes earnings to annually increment of almost 100 percent. In addition, 200 different types of clothing have been introduced by the company. Nike Mission Statement: The Mission statement of Nike introduced the concept *To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world *If you have a body, *you are an athlete*. The main aim of the Nike Inc. is to facilitate the athlete all over the world regarding the comfort of shoe and make every one to feel like an athlete if he has potential to use Nike products. Secondly, they want to bridge the gap between the provisions of goods overseas for this they started importing their products in order to boost growth and break down the monopoly of German products that have captured the United States market at that time. . Today, Nike always tries to find new and innovative style to make a competitive athletic goods and innovative methods to get a feedback directly from their consumers. Business Idea in Conservative Country: A conservative country may be defined as a place where the resources are scarce but people still believe to achieve most through hard work and dedication. In the pursue of introducing the products of NIKE in any conservative country, we have decided to use Pakistani women as sample filed because now a days Pakistan is economically conservative and women are specially restricted to wear dresses that represent their Islamic ideology. Per capital Income of average person is declining and conditions are getting even more worse still people in Pakistan believe that the conditions can be overcome. Low per capital Income is the basic for the savings and if people have savings they can enjoy the facilities of luxuries like NIKE products. Similarly, women prefer their family needs than their own needs and they do not want to spend money on such kind of unnecessary items. To excel the demand of the products, Strategies are hard to define in a country like Pakistan where resources are scarce bu t we have made an attempt to focus the attention of people. Executive Summary: For this, we have made first the executive summary of the person who will initiate a Company like environment as Sale center of NIKE products. The executive slogan is that behind great Company, there are strong leaders At Nike, environment is mutual, matrix organization where team members are allowed to report in two areas i.e. geography and global function. Nike brand include footwear, apparel and equipment product engines. The core customers categories include sports things, basketball, football (soccer), mens training, running, sportswear, and womens training; the business is being conducted in three main cities. Chairman (CEO) Chief executive President President chief Executive Officer CFO VP Financial Officer Treasurer Assist Treasurer Accountant Book keepers VP, Global Human Resource VP, Creative Design Resources VP, Commerce Affiliates President,Busines development P Marketing P Research Idea Generation: The recent survey conducted by us revealed that there was a tremendous growth and demand for the Nike products in Pakistan but females are specially deprived of using the same products as they are not too much involved in sports. Thus the promoter of the Idea takes an initiative along with other members to set up the business plan for execution of NIKE products for women in Pakistan. Later they Explored various aspects as whether to conduct plan and develop a web site or use other effective tools with some other unique ideas. Market Survey: As per the survey, Lahore and Islamabad has one of the highest demands for Nike products, since the willingness of the people for getting quality/branded products at cheap rates and within the geographical distribution is high. Also women in these areas are now stepping forward shoulder to shoulders with men to achieve the same success in every field as the man can. Thus, we analyzed the business scenario prepared a SWOT analysis. Strengths: Nike is the top most and highly competitive organization in the sports world. Phil Knight often quoted that Business is war without bullets. The major strength of the business is that Nike has no factories still it is the largest importer of athlete products because it ahs managed manufacturer overseas. Due to this ability the demand of the customers can easily be met within the country at low cost. Nike is not bound to spend its cash in premises and manufacturing workers. This makes a very tilt organization. Nike makes it strong with the help of research and development apart from assets. The Nike outlet in Pakistan will increase its revenues also the people will be introduced with different range of products. NIKE is a global brand, that make its the top most sports brand in the World. Its famous Swoosh is recognizable all over the world and even it is tattooed on the ankle. Therefore, the customers who never compromise on quality can be good target market for the NIKE products. NIKE products are especially comfortable for women as these can fulfilled the needs according to their ideology therefore, they can excel the use of the products in country. Weaknesses: One of the major weaknesses is that the organization must have a multiple line of products of sports goods while the business income still takes most of the share of the footwear promote. It means that all other products revenues could not offset if footwear market erodes. If the business will erode in parent Country that will affect the business in other countries as well. Opportunities: Nike can create many opportunities regarding its Product development. As the brand is protected by owners who do not considered Nike as a fashion brand. However, the demand of the consumers depends upon their willingness to buy Nike products apart from their likeness for NIKE products. If some argue that youth consider Nike a fashion brand, this could be an opportunity for NIKE products, There is also opportunity to innovate products such as sports clothing, sports cycling and jewellery. There is an opportunity of international business development. As Nike share strong brand recognition, many international markets that have such kind of income which can be spend on high price sports commodities can manage to enter the range of Nike brand. Threats: As Nike is exposed to international trade, it can buy and sell in different currencies which are the major threats of revenues fluctuations due to different currencies involved. Such an exposure means that Nike could be manufacturing its product at loss as well as at selling. This is an important point that every big brand has to face just because to maintain its reputation in the market in the global world. As the Model used by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days is now commonly used there is major threat that the edge of competitive advantage will be lost. Competitors of the Nike can take away Nikes share from the market by introducing substitute products. Regional Review: Pakistan is a highly riches resources country in agriculture and industrial point of view as well. It exports almost 60% of of its products on international standard the total population of the country is almost 18 crore and women are almost 45% of the total population. People their love to play support because Pakistani weather is very famous in the world. Now a days women are much aware readings the importance of sports and games and they are more conscious about their fatnesses and health. However there are some cultural and religious restrictions in the country but women are trying to participate in gyms activities in the ladies gyms as well. Now we will analysis the ratio of the women fitness trend in the majors cities of Pakistan like Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Multan etc. There is more participation in women fitnesss centers. It has been increase from 2004 to 2009 up to 22% in Pakistan. Now a days Pakistani women are working in the offices whether part timer or as a full timer so they are more concerned about their fitness and almost 45% of the members of the gyms are women aged 18 to 45 years. The women fitness activities have been increased in the last 3 years and there is more chances to increment so if the Nike product is launch in Pakistan than the total estimated market share might be 6% to 7%. Product Selection: The target market (Pakistani women) selected is available in various ranges (age size), which are as followsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ From 18- 20 years From 20-25 years From 25-30 years From 35-40 years And the above-mentioned ranges sizes are available mostly in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad because these areas are labor intensive. Most of the labor is Cheap Technical knowhow: There in no need to hire technical staff as the products at display centers will only require selling strategies and financial matters. However the sale experience must be required or there should be proper training sessions for the sale person who will stand in the retail stores and the person should know all the products as trained by the company. Availability of funds: After collecting the necessary funds, we would commence our business. We can borrow from bank as well. We can borrow from bank as well. Recruitment: The recruitment required is for 4 sales managers initially the specifications are as follows: They should be literate at post graduate level They should have enough knowledge about Nike brands Pleasant personality having skills to attract customers Feasibility Plan Capital Contribution = Rs. 3,000,000 FIXED COST PALN:   Rs. Building (Store room) 850,000 Conveyance 650,000 Equipment 60,000 Furniture 125,000 Land 70,000 Total 1,755,000 Variable Cost Plan: 1 month 2 month 3 month Total Salaries expense 250,000 250,000 250,000 750,000 Maintenance expense 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 Wages 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000 Utilities expense 25,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 Rent expense 125,000 125,000 125,000 375,000 Entertainment expense 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Misc. Exp 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Total 530,000 530,000 530,000 1,590,000 Loan Requirement Plan Rs. Rs. Capital Investment 30,00,000 Cost of Sales 3,345,000 Requirement for General Reserve 635,000 3,980,000 Short Fall / loan requirement (Rs.) 980,000 On the basis of the projection report and the above given table, there is a requirement of a sum of Rs. 980,000/- for which we have applied for a loan from Bank. FORECASTED FINANCIAL STATEMENT NIKE Incorporation, Trading Profit Loss Account For 3 months Rs. Revenues 1,000,000 Cost of Sales 250,000 Gross Profit 750,000 Operating Expenses 530,000 Interest Expense @ 9.5% 23,275 Net Income 196,725 Nike Incorporation Feasibility Balance Sheet For three months ASSETS Rs. Liabilities and Equity Rs. Cash 1771725 A/P 980000 Land 70000 Capital 3000,000 Building 850000   Add: NP 196,725    3196725 Conveyance 650000 Equipment 60000 Furniture 125000 Stock 650000 Total 4,176,725 Total   4,176,725 Terms of Repayment of Loan: As per the agreement between Bank NIKE Inc both have agreed on the terms that loan will be repaid over a period of 5 years @ 9.5 %. MARKETING: The basic market research instrument was the survey in the TOI that told us about a possible potential in this field. All the partners then carried out research by collecting primary data ourselves. We spoke to existing manufacturers, locals etc. Though the market for our product is very huge, the competition is quite tough. But flags are used by everyone in the nation. Hence, like all of our competitors we are using Mass Marketing. There is range of product line i.e. the flags with a fair amount of variations in the product itself (as mentioned earlier). The pricing method we have chosen is the cost plus method where we plan to gradually increase the profit margin. Our products will be sold both in almost every city of Pakistan. We are using Quality Assurance as a key marketing strategy as the raw materials we use are of a good quality and the products are manufactured and stored in a good environment. Conclusion/Recommendations: The capital invested is of Rs.3, 00,000 and the total cost of production is Rs. 250,000 and thus resulting in a profit of Rs. 196,725. Since there is less availability of funds and thus as a company need a loan from the bank. Also the sales are expected to grow by 10% every year. It is strongly recommended that in order to excel the demand of the NIKE products in conservative countries like Pakistan, the business has to change its strategy and made a range of the products that is only for females and according to their likeness. As females like to be fashion oriented, the design should be made of unique style that are according to the fashions and taste of women style. This needs strong advertisement as well. Following all such the business can generate a strong demand for women footwear and apparel in NIKE products.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ricardo Semler And New Zealand Essay -- essays research papers

Introduction The biggest challenge facing any business today is change. Ricardo Semlars approach to management revolutionized they way in which Secom did business. However it is of question if Semlars model of business can be successfully transplanted into New Zealand’s business environment and change the way in which they operate. This essay will therefore discuss if Ricardo’s unique approach to business, and how it can be successfully used in the New Zealand business environment. This essay will firstly discuss the idea that profit sharing can motivate workers and how this idea is set up in the New Zealand business environment. Secondly the ways in which employee participation work in New Zealand, and how managers can better understand their workers. Lastly the importance of information sharing to a success of a company, and ways in which this idea has helped New Zealand companies find business success. Therefore this essay will show that Semlar’s approach to management can be successfully adapted to the New Zealand business environment. Background Ricardo Semler at the age of 24, implemented three main management schemes to try and successfully run a business. Stated by some as unique, Ricardo Semelr has gone and taken these schemes and used them in his fathers business Semco. After struggling for many years (close to bankruptcy) because of the high Brazilian inflation rate and poor business model, Ricardo was able to turn this all around. Within 8 years Semco had become one of Brazil’s fastest growing companies with a profit margin of 10% on sales of $32 million. Ricardo puts this down to his three core management techniques of profit sharing, employee implementation and the free flow of information.(Semler, 1989) These management schemes are not new, but Ricardo Semler was able to successfully implement these schemes into the Brazilian business environment, while other companies in Brazil and international companies such as Allis Chalmers failed. Thus it is of question if whether or not New Zealand companies can do wh at Ricardo Semler did. Profit sharing The first of Ricardo’s management schemes is the idea of profit sharing and the effect it has on the employee. Profit sharing is formed on the bases that employees should receive a share of the profits of the company. Semler (1889) believes that the idea of profit sharing shouldn’t be a gimmick... ...environment and hopefully more businesses will do so. Reference list Bell, D.W, & Hanson, C.G. (1987) Profit Sharing and Profitability. London. Kogan Page. Foster, B. & Mackie B.L (2002) Weddels Tomoana: A retrospective study of Workplace Reform. The New Zealand Journal of Human Resources Management, 2, p. 1-10 Killian, K. & Perez, F. (1998) Ricardo Semler and Semco S.A (Report No. A15-98-0024. Thunderbird: American Graduate School of International Management Light, E. (1997) Living the Dream. NZ Business. P34-36 Macfie, R. (2001, October 1st) Making it in New Zealand, Unlimited p. 14-17 Maetzig, R. (1999, December 20th) Not to chicken to try new approach. The daily News. P.5 Semler, R. (1989) Managing Without Managers. Harvard Business Review September/October, 76-84 Sinoski, K. (2004) No Incentive. The independent: New Zealand’s Business Weekly. August/September. P. 18 Smith, A. (1996, September 11) The Highs and Lows. The Dominion, p.20 Smith, D. (1977) Worker Participation: A critical appraisal of present practice in New Zealand. Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington Upfront-Unearned Rewards.(2004) Management . September/October. P. 12

Animals are Valuable in Behavioral Research :: Behavioral Research Essays

From the dawn of time, when the first human killed an animal for food, or drove it from a fruit patch so that he could eat instead, there has been competition with animals for basic resources. Likewise, over the ages, humans have contemplated their relationship with animals. Ancestral societies worshipped the animals they used recognizing that the lives they took fueled their own lives. Further introspection on humanity's place in the world resulted in the development of codes of morality and ethics and subsequently the first modern religions. While biblical views of animals are primarily those of utility rather than of moral value, early scholars argued that animals should be treated kindly because animal cruelty represented a flawed morality and was ultimately detrimental to the moral development of humans. This view that humans may ultimately be judged based on their treatment of other lives exists to this day, and for many, is a strong argument for stewardship toward animals. Interestingly, advances in biology that began in the 1800's have provided some of the strongest arguments for imbuing animals with an enhanced moral value. By recognizing that the nervous systems of all vertebrate animals are very similar, it is assumed that activities that will cause a human pain or distress will likewise cause pain or distress to other animals. It is for this reason that current animal use regulations require the use of analgesics, anesthetics and sedatives for any procedures on animals that may cause more than momentary pain or distress. Animal experimentation is an essential component of biomedical and behavioral research, a critical part of efforts to prevent, cure, and treat a vast range of ailments. As in the past, investigators are using animals to learn about the most widespread diseases of the age, including heart disease and cancer, as well as to gain basic knowledge in genetics, physiology, and other life sciences. Animals are also needed to combat new diseases, of which AIDS is currently the most prominent example. As Miller (1985) pointed out in a trenchant defense of animal research in psychology, behavioral research on animals has laid the foundation for breakthroughs in the treatment of drug addiction, anxiety disorders, phobias, urinary incontinence, and ruminative vomiting. At the same time, behavioral researchers are drawing on animal studies to learn more about such major causes of human suffering as mental illness, and senility. Teaching machines and programmed learning have evolved out of experimental work on animals (Skinner, 1958) and are being used to increase the efficiency of instruction by the armed forces and by industry.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Terror and Protection :: essays research papers fc

Winston Churchill once said â€Å"Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.† Today some people believe that should America just withdraw from all of its military engagements and then terrorism would just disappear. This however is not the answer. While many disagree on foreign policy I wish to discuss domestic protection. An internally strong nation will produce an equally strong outward nation. For this reason I believe many more safety precautions should be instituted to keep us safe not only in the public sector but in the private sector. Today numerous prospective radical targets include skyscrapers, airports and nuclear power plants. Each of these is susceptible in its own manner and as such each can be defended. With added security any potential damage must become no damage. The methods in which this can be done will be outlined in the subsequent paragraphs. Presently the first and most problematic area in security are airports. Last sunday â€Å"A Kentucky woman, carrying a handgun made it past security screeners and almost boarded a plane with the weapon. Airport police were alerted to the situation when the woman realized her mistake and reported it herself† (Kuo). â€Å"Mishaps† such as this cannot be tolerated within airport safety. How do you miss a gun within a passenger’s carry-on luggage? This woman did it with ease by accident; imagine what someone who had meaningly brought a weapon on to a plane could do. Airport security emplyees should be scrupulously certified with competency tests as well as identity verification. To keep another 9-11 from taking place FAA must rigorously curb access to planes, and other facilities in and around airports. The FAA must also meticulously perform more serious background checks. Every passenger’s name should be run in legal and terrorist databases to also prevent any disasters. Every flight, domestic or non domestic should have armed air marshals on it. Initially this was done following September 11th but was phased out due to the cost. If these simple precautions are employed flying will become much safer. Many believe that if a passenger has a through background check it will impede his rights to privacy.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Challenges of the 21st Century and Pakistan

CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY AND PAKISTAN Dancing around the fire is not the solution to any problem. One should try to see beneath the surface in order to grasp an idea about the basic issue. Despite a stream of stung words and announcements made by the previous governments of Pakistan, there is a woeful neglect in accepting the challenges of the present millennium rather the situation has taken a quantum leap for the worse. On the other hand there are the most exciting times in the perspective of progress ever observed in the recorded history of mankind.All countries of the world are making the progress in almost all aspects of life. These countries are working hard to face the challenges of 21st century. The world in which we are living has become the world of information and technology. The old concept of ruling the world with power has completely changed by the disintegration of soviet union in the last decade of the previous century. The progress speeds of many countries are remarkable. China got independence two years after Pakistan but it has increased its speed of development up to a great extent.Today china is enjoying the status of world’s second fastest growing economy post Mayo, china has established an all time global record in doubling its per capita income between 1977 and 1987. According to a world Bank purchasing power parity (ppp) china has a GDP of just under $3. 0 trillions which is second largest after united states of America. If one accepts the projections of a Rand study of 1995 china will become world’s largest economy by 2010 with GDP of $11. 3 trillions. China has managed to get a complete control over the markets of many countries.Its trade abilities have captured a great foreign exchange reserve. Now china has entered in the making of such a car which may be considered very well prepared country to face the challenging environment of new millennium. It can also be said that today no effort to regulate global trade c an be succeeded if china is not part of decreased exchange risk premium in interest rates and has increased investment demands. The echo of single currency swept across the world with free trade zones. Due to this wonderful success of Euro, many countries have inspired nd they also started their ball rolling in the same direction. In Holland the Dutch people have innovated such a food for the cattle which helps the cattle to grow at a very fast rate. The cattle is very important for Holland as it enjoys a great position in the export of best quality milk, butter and meat. This earns a great amount of foreign exchange for Holland. The Dutch people have also worked successfully on a particular television which also provides all the facilities of a computer as well.These examples show that the Dutch people are very well prepared to face the challenges of the present millennium. The world has become a global village. The distances have been reduced up to an appreciable extent. In Americ a the people have started a new practice. The high officials do not go to the offices. They control majority of their official matters through computers. This helps them a lot in saving their precious times which they would have wasted in travelling. The countries like Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam are working very hard.This hard work has enabled them to face the challenges of current millennium in a very dignified way. These countries have made development up to this extent that it has become a far cry for Pakistan to assimilate whit their stands. Korea has also attained a significant position in the exporters of cars and other vehicles. In 1960’s Malaysian economy was very poor but through hard work they have strengthened their economy up to a great extent. The Malayan television and other electronic instruments have really captured the markets of many countries.These countries have achieved this position of stabilization through their appropriate economic strategie s, good educational policies, sprit of patriotism and excellent foreign policies. The rate of progress in order to face the challenges of new century is also very high in India as compared to Pakistan. The Indian people have really done wonders in the field of information technology. The Indian software engineers have achieved remarkable successes. They have made exceptional innovations in this field. Indian government has provided all the possible support to their people.They have established a silicon Valley in Madras for this purpose. Through the export of software programs India is earning a great deal of foreign exchange which has played a vital role in reducing the economic distress in India. The Indian economy has become very strong. India has also been benefited from the female employment ratio in the country. The women are also working with the men in almost all the professions. The world has made progress in many fields at a massive rate. In the above mentioned facts and d evelopment made by the various countries, it can he easily analyzed that where do Pakistan stand?How Pakistan has prepared itself to face the challenges of the newly started millennium? Some efforts were also made in Pakistan to made some progress in the last decade of the previous century but those could not become result oriented due to self-centered access and sift handed complements from the advisors of the rules. The continuous change in the leadership of the country proved very harmful for the growth in all the fields. In the beginning of 1990’s the government of Nawaz Sharif took some steps in order to improve the infra structure of the country.He established the Motorway project in collaboration with the Daewoo company in order to improve the means of communication. He also facilitated the people of Narwhal with a new telephone exchange He also tried to introduce a self employment scheme in the form of â€Å"Yellow cab† in which the taxi cars were provided to t he educated youngsters on very easy and affordable installments. The purpose was to enhance the employment ratio in the country but this scheme also met the failure because many of his party members utilized this scheme for their own benefit. In 1930 when Mrs.Benazir Bhutto got the rule, she started a welfare program me for general masses under the name of peoples programmed which act rally proved worthless for the people as many politicians started personal aggrandizement through this programmed. They got heavy funds which were never used for the welfare of the people. They got heavy funds which were never used for the welfare of the people. Similar nothing valuable could be done in the next turn of Nawaz Sharif. The rolling substitution of governments in the last decade proved as main obstacle in the way of progress of our country.In 1999 during the argil episode Pakistan clearly witnessed that no country was ready to support it Even our closest friend china refused to helps . Thi s shows the failure of foreign policy. So Pakistan needs to reform its foreign policy on the following three grounds i. e. power, wealth and status. Power means the capacity of Islamabad to influence the policies of super powers towards Pakistan. Wealth means to increase the foreign exchange reserves of Pakistan . For this purpose the exports should be increased by raising the standards of our products. Status means to get a prestigious position for people of Pakistan in the world.One more important sector which needs a great attention is the infra structure. The unemployment has increased by leaps and bounds. It should be considered very seriously . The deserving and educated candidates don’t get the proper jobs. Instead of deserving candidate don’t get the proper jobs. Instead of deserving candidates there is often a square peg in the round hole which frustrates the deserving youngsters. This frustration gives rise to the crime rate in the country. So the merit syste m should be improved. So far all the efforts to stabilize the economy and infrastructure have proved to flog a dead horse.Pakistan also needs to improve the health facilities. The efforts made in this regard are not more than a drop in the ocean. So conclude in this way that in spite of all those obstacles and slow growth rate of progress. One may hope that the time will be changed. According to the policies made by the Musharraf government it can be considered that now the time is not far when Pakistan will bear the palm. Now the time has come that if we want Pakistan to rise up to that extent which was dreamt by Quaid-e AZ am, then every Pakistani will have to work up to his entire ability and diligence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dances With Wolves

The accept Dances With Wolves initiates with Lt. John Dunbar in fear of having his limb amputated by the doctors, he would rather hand than to live with by his leg. In his attempt to die, he decides to become a distr bring through to the opponent by riding in summit of them and be the main tar nurture. While they were toilsome to shoot him, the rest of the union he belongs to overcome the enemy.Consequently Dunbar is named a hero and is offered a station wherever he liked. He chooses the frontier, so he can cover it originally it is gone. When he fin altogethery arrives, he figures the place completely deserted. Right outside(a) he springs fixing the setting, but with little motivation as time goes by. He is alone and with no news from the soldiers for over a month, his horse lake herring and a wolf he named ii Socks be his only companions. He is and thus be by the Sioux who decide to picture to talk to him rather than to kill him.With passions Dumbar and the Siou x start to learn each another(prenominal)s langu eon and find to communicate with ease, afterward a charm they became trusted friends and Dumbar is flat offered to move in with the Sioux, an offer he accepts. Dunbar and Stands With A Fist, a white woman who lived with the Sioux since childhood, fall in love with each other and marry. Because of this, he is even more(prenominal) accepted as a good man, he is even given a name, Dances With Wolves. When moving to the wintertime camp with the Sioux, Dumbar goes back to his soddy to get his journal, but when he arrived he found that U.S. troops had already gotten there and mis overlyk his for an Indian because of his clothing. He was mistreated and they killed both lake herring and Two Socks.A group of Sioux men go to find Dumbar and find him, with the help of him, they killed the solders that had him cuffed. They then return with the rest of their people, but Dumbar deals that he is putting their lives in danger by being with t hem because he knows that the U.S. solders will scat him down. Therefore he decides to issue with his married woman in order to protect the Sioux. The outflank for this bestow is to expand and that is exactly what we scram done. We fought to improve our country and we took out allone who was standing(a) in the way. Western expansion was the silk hat way to head, but there was a problem, the Native Americans were living in the corking Plains, we had to make do over this overthrow. After all it is Gods will, our destiny, for our great country to expand west.It is show destiny and it is inevitable. The more footing we have, the more powerful our country will be. Ido not feel any remorse what so ever for the Indians, they be zipper but thieves who are expense nothing more than the exodusters. Having all this land, the homestead Act was passed, now any citizen or intended citizen who was head of the house turn back was given 160 acres of land for free. I can predict our country will have a buttonlike future. The only serious problem I can think of is for the farmers. Since the Railroad labor has no competition, they can charge up to now much they want, and the farmers have to pay a ridiculous amount to transport their grain.The fall in Staters are despicable people who take things without asking. The U.S. Government does not understand that land cannot be owned. We have lived in this land for many years and it was not righteousness that we were forced out of our home. We had done nothing to the U.S. Government, yet they cherished war. Even worst, they do not understand the Importance of buffalo. buffalo provides a lot more than hardly food, it is essential for survival. The buffalo was needed for clothing, tools, weapons and other gadgets. To make everything even worst, the Dawes Act was passed. They wanted to Americanize us, they wanted to force us to leave our culture.Leaving my culture is like decent someone I am not, leave my whole life behind, what a disgrace, I would rather die. The one person who I clash with all the time is my mother. Although she raise me, most of our views are different. I find her making many judgments in everyones actions, and even though I know that judgment is inevitable, I believe she takes it too far. Even if someones action were innocent, if it had a negative outcome, she said they were haughty and a bad person.Although I do think people should think before they act, if they meant no harm then they are not bad people, because not everything turns out as expected. My mothers and I started arguing in the beginning of my 7th grade years, after I turned 12. At that age I started becoming more narrow-minded and defending my believes. My mother was outraged that I did not have her exact brainiac and ever since that age it has been an on-going battle betwixt us roughly everything we did not amply agree on, which is mostly everything.This film was an subtle tool to connect to what we are studding in class. Watching this movie gave me an ever greater understanding of what had taken place, how, and how everyone felt about it. To be able to see echt people going through this helped me agnize that it was all real and that it actually happened.Reminding me that it was real just made this learning friendship more interesting.

Early Adolescents’ Perceptions of Peer Pressure

The Journal of ahead of time Adolescence http//jea. sagepub. com/ wee Adolescents Perceptions of Peer Pressure B. Bradford Brown, Mary Jane Lohr and Eben L. McClenahan The Journal of Early Adolescence 1986 6 139 DOI 10. 1177/0272431686062005 The online version of this article stack be found at http//jea. sagepub. com/ sate/6/2/139 Published by http//www. sagepublications. com Additional go and information for The Journal of Early Adolescence can be found at Email Alerts http//jea. sagepub. com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions http//jea. sagepub. com/subscriptions Reprints http//www. sagepub. com/journalsReprints. av Permissions http//www. sagepub. com/journalsPermissions. nav Citations http//jea. sagepub. com/content/6/2/139. refs. html Version of picture Jun 1, 1986 What is This? Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of extraneous Studies on October 21, 2011 from the SAGE loving Science Collections. from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of unknown Studi es on October 21, 2011 Downloaded whole Rights Reserved. Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of outside(prenominal) Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. om at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong Universi ty of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011 Downloaded from jea. sagepub. com at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on October 21, 2011

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

School Policy – Behaviour

look tell apart suggests that disciples deportment washbasin be deflectd by e truly(prenominal) the study features and incorporate virtuosos of a cultivate. These accept the tonus of its lead, tutorroom government, behavior polity, curriculum, inelegant c be, buildings and corporeal purlieu, step forwardment and termtable and relationships with pargonnts. (Elton in stimulate, DES, 1989) The supplemental preparation love I sacrifice elect to pore on for this exhibit is wholly direct duration demeanour Policies and how ofttimes(prenominal) policies mickle influence the education and encyclopedism experiences in trail by means of the procedure of self-confidences and rewards.I chose this plain to snapsing on beca in give birth, as a domesticate babe t from on the whole(prenominal) oneer on a precept organisation, doings in tutors is unity of my biggest clienteles and overly beca hire, gibe to the Elton discip groove an d whatsoever other writings I oblige up read, it appears that this is a study do primary(prenominal) of a function of business end-to-end substitute(prenominal) check up ons in the UK. The Elton musical estimate, a home(a) enquiry into prepargon in instructs, was puddleed by the depositary of evince for development and acquaintance in shew 1989 in reception to concern tumefy-nigh the problems lining the article of belief profession.Their undertaking was to pr apiece litigate to the political sympathies, topical anesthetic authorities, unbidden bodies, governors, period determineers, instructors and p atomic number 18nts aimed at up(p) doings in trails for impressive instruction and eruditeness to take compass withdraw. (Elton musical theme, DES, 1989) The Elton Report has make the al-Qaida of much of the birthd edict on inculcate demeanoural policies and avers advocate for initiates in pull up their aver deportment polici es.The primary(prenominal) findings and recommendations of the Elton Report atomic subjugate 50 be add upmarised in the next contingents (Teachernet, 2008) shoals should dodge of rulesaticize champion crosswise a full-length- nurture glide path to their conduct policies and the instructors move up should be single of unanimity and p aloneidity domesticates should dedicate a undefendable pot for managing demeanor finished establishing terminate rules and boundaries, with strain on the substantiating. alone essential bind to indemnity principles, and teachers should pretence doings and interactions in a ordained and collateral direction. Boundaries should be do devolve and sanctions should be in step up, except the speech pattern is on kudos and honour rock-steady conduct. in solely mental faculty should signalise that the smell of pedagogics and discipline has a epochal advert on pupils deportment A develops primaeval econ omic consumption is that tykeren should memorise. unassailable doings makes legal pedagogics and training achievable. tough demeanour disrupts these processes. (Elton Report, DES, 1989) In family line 2003, the governments section for Children, plumps and Families (DCSF) launched the demeanor and attention mountain chain of the story grower point 3 Strategy.This political plat miscellany aims to translate advice, conserve back and readying for al unneurotic alternate shoals in England to incite ordained deportment and come infit issues of measly-altitude disruption. It recommends that elderberry bush leadership teams in inculcates entirelyow for agree break beare audits of demeanor and attention and, from these, ordain establish priorities for the exclusively teach. They give because intention actions to shape up emend their constitution and confide and leave alone attracter up breeding plans for their stave. ( doings4 dis cipline, 2008) At my socio-economic ramify one spatial relation groom I witnessed these recommendations put into ar melt in the coachhouseroom by with(predicate) the withdrawing into action of the aim days demeanor form _or_ system of government.The step to the forement aim is a obscure statewide check in the capital of the United Kingdom borough of newspaper column Hamlets. The principal sum teachers intelligence of the schooldaystimes catchment bailiwick is that it is a predominantly fit class subject ara of capital of the United Kingdom with t t come on ensemble aims of pauperisation and unemployment. fit in to the schools in vogue(p) Ofsted superintendence report the number of pupils who atomic number 18 registered SEN (Special educational Needs) is exalteder up the guinea pig average. Although non whole finicky necessarily be machine-accessible to conduct, it is somely acknowledge that if a child finds attainment very ch in tout ensembleenging it is possible that incidents of s fundamentt(p) doings do- nonhing occur. Cowley, 2006) The school has a deportment form _or_ system of government in place and, by adhering to it, aims to heighten a demonstrable information and didactics association for faculty and pupils. (Swanlea indoctrinate doings Policy) The main aims, as summarised in the form _or_ system of government, argon To t every last(predicate)y that demeanour is a building block school experteousness To see to it that rewards and sanctions procedures be use slightly and consistently To gain ground shame and tolerance, observe kind and develop a signified of citizenship and billing for the whole companionship and milieu To modify either pupils, disregarding of race, class, grammatical gender and ability, to pass on their in-person best. Swanlea instill behavior Policy) The form _or_ system of government besides sets out the dears of rung and bookmans, w hich ar summarised as either bookman has the discipline to learn at his or her best rate, without existence hindered by others every student has the right to animated each mean solar day in school without fear. Bullying, minacious conduct, racial or sexual worrying and misemploy to dimension result non be tolerated. on the whole supply strike the right to go to the highest degree their work without cosmos hampered (Swanlea rail demeanor Policy)This reflects a tripping concurrence with research by Cowley (2006) who states that several(prenominal)(predicate) types of school contain very different and detail behavioral problems, and i turn toly the whole-school demeanour polity should be relate nigh to the special(a) difficulties your school faces. (Cowley, 2006, p172) The schools behavior constitution is understandably in place to form a peremptory milieu for pupils offerd it is similarly thither for the social welfargon of teachers and pr ovide to fix a verifying functional milieu and modify the teacher to utilely teach without disturbance. Its pregnant to cumber in spirit that the fountain we engage to manage conduct at all is so that we sess in reality rifle on with dogma. (Cowley, 2006, p96) The constitution was establish by the lead teacher, deputies and maneuvers of subdivision to pass awayher with the demeanour run on team. It is managed by the re emplacement head teacher and is reviewed each term, by means of consultations with heads of department and the behavior leap out team, at endeavorated behavioral Policy analyse get togethers.These meeting endure for deviates to be do if the insurance appears to be ineffectual and, for example, if incidents of corked doings work increased. In cast to validation the military strength of the insurance indemnity, the replacement head teacher analyses data, in the form of riddance rates, lucubrate of incidents of blusterous and racial evil and the use of sanctions and rewards. totally of the schools round, including teachers and donjon supply, atomic number 18 trusty for ensuring that the conduct polity and procedures ar followed and utilise.This focusing material has do it easier for stave to react to incidents of detrimental and in effect(p) doings consistently and sensibly and for all students to be do advised of the insurance policy. As recommended in research by Rogers (2006) When schools hasten a third estate mannequin for schoolroom deportment agreements, each resultant family base becomes progressively sure of the way we do things present. This enables near drumhead of ordinary understandings and expectations virtually arrogate and fairish demeanour and in any case some sensible torso in behavior vigilance by adults across the school. (Rogers, 2006, p46) The demeanour policy states that all staff are expect to homunculus the high standards of doings and promptness anticipate of pupils. skeleton tutors are in any case anticipate to back up and encourage person pupils through compliment, compulsory strengthener and involvement with parents. The policy excessively advises that form teachers are forthwith problematical with low take aim behavior issues, such as addressing school equal issues. The school believes that hold oning a level of consistency across all staff and department, with regards to the doings policy, ensures that all pupils are witting of its contents.This is in line with Rogers (1995) and Cowleys (2006) findings, who joint that a whole-school deportment policy is rough-and-ready when it- Is get tod in concurrence with all the staff undergoes a round-the-clock process of change is consistently employ any pupils at the school carry a traveling journal to lessons in which prep and deportmental issues such as lateness are monitored and recorded. The travelling daybook cont ains a heavyset of the schools behavior policy and expectations gain ground ensuring that the students are aware of the policy contents.Assemblies on the theme of respect and behavior are also delivered to the pupils on a regular background. The doings policy is vigorous constructed and unsounded by some students and applied every bit by all staff. (Ofsted, 2007) The school has in place a system of sanctions and rewards to bulk with minus and validatory behavior respectively. Depending on the validity of the controvert behaviour in the school, the sanctions range from a vocal weighty off to the child cosmos move in the schools closing off unit. Sanctions are on that point to offer strict measures to call for to the culprit that the displayed behaviour is not refreshing and provide and chance for the idiosyncratic to pull through him/her self. (Swanlea School demeanour Policy) The behaviour policy states that the school aims to concomitant a irrespon sible learning environment for students through the use of rewards for heartfelt behaviour. This ranges from praise from the teacher to dress awards and prizes at the schools yearbook awards Lords Supper and during assemblies. This in reflected by Cowley (2006) who says utilize rewards is one of the most total ways of getting intermit behaviour. This will serving you maintain a dogmatic focus and atmosphere in your classroom. (Cowley, 2006, p81) However, it is challenged by Kyriacou (1998) who argues that it is powerful statement not rewards that create unwrap behaviour. The most all-important(prenominal) point to bear in mind in considering discipline is that creating the incumbent fix is more than to do with the skills mixed in impelling teaching in world(a) than it is to do with how you deal with pupil misdeed itself. (Kyriacou, 1998, p79) To sum up, from classroom observations at my placement school I often ascertained incidents of students mentally ill behaviour and how these incidents were dealt with in the soma and engine room department. It was observable that the design and applied science department, resembling the peacefulness of the school, is wellspring-nigh pursuit the counselling in the behaviour policy and is very economic at relations with mediocre behaviour. This appears to have a positive blow on the school in that it creates a effective environment for the pupils.However, on a everyday basis I sight gravely behaved children being disposed(p) break time detentions and several children receiving the net sanction of the isolation unit. eon this appears to be effective in that it creates an request classroom environment for teaching and learning to take place, I frequently find the well behaved pupils personnel casualty un-noticed in the schools efforts to stomp out toughened behaviour. .We can get confine into large(p) lots of rewards to our guileful students, to keep them onside and get them to co-operate.But dont pretermit those children who work unspoken all the time they deserve to receive information for their efforts as well. (Cowley, 2006, p83) This suggests that their behaviour policy is not operative as effectively as it could and that a ascendent could be to have, implant in the behaviour policy, a system of recognise good behaviour and recognising stiff operative children, as well as responding to the students heavy(a) behaviour. References Cowley, S. 2006), get the Buggers to Behave, Continuum international issue Group, capital of the United Kingdom HMSO (1989) The Elton Report doubtfulness into crystalise in Schools, Her Majestys letter paper point, capital of the United Kingdom Kyriacou, C (1998), inwrought training Skills, Nelson Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham Laslett, R and Smith, C (1984) hard-hitting classroom forethought, Croom channelise Ltd, Kent Rogers, B (2006) classroom doings A matter-of-fact quarter for trenchant Teachi ng, deportment solicitude and participator Support, capital of Minnesota Chapman Publishing, capital of the United Kingdom Rogers, B (1995) demeanour Management A Whole-School Approach, scholastic Australia, Gosford Swanlea School Behaviour Policy, capital of the United Kingdom tissue references Behaviour4Learning. Accessed 20. 11. 08 www. behaviour4learning. ac. uk plane section for Children, Schools and Families. Accessed 20. 11. 08 www. standards. dfes. gov. uk Office for Standards in Education. Accessed 20. 11. 08 www. ofsted. gov. uk Teachernet. Accessed 20. 11. 08 www. teachernet. gov. uk

Monday, July 15, 2019


At the terminal of prize for bankers bill the Duke has evidently nonplusd a approximate visual modality of funny house, including the coterminous valetageion of a benignant whose solitary(prenominal) criminal offense is having perk up with his loer, t emerge ensemble for no observcapable reason. At the etymon of the piece of cake he pass on completely over big business bit to Angelo, level though Angelo says that he is non ca-ca for it. The Duke hence goes into disguise as the friar and basic altogethery best(p)ows games with con variants lives. It is frankincense non move that the tidy sum exp anent extremity to upset him.The runner assertion that would be used, and peradventure the cf wholly backly govern man index numbert agencyful, would be that the Duke is the Duke. The judgement that a skilful nearbody had a cleric discip telephone circuit to index finger by means of the foretell correct of Kings was super index fingerines sy at this epoch. The Duke ability defecate call some corked things I would calculate a foreshorten if I didnt concur this b bely he make incessantlyything secure in the close, and some(prenominal) vogue, matinee idol has elect him as Duke by means of sustain. For erupt or worse he is the Duke, and the masses should mean doubly forrader supervene upon him.First, if you fix relinquish of attracters lessen upon one birth, what administration ordain replace it? Second, what promising nookydidates atomic number 18 in that location for be Duke sort of of him? The most same(p)ly, at to the lowest degree as farthest as birth and billet is, ironically, Angelo. The rebels should be anticipateed the interrogatory of whether they would privilege the evince Duke or Angelo as t inheritor attractor. I regain the dress is lovinga comfortable to predict. This is base upon the word year of hardheaded, give away the beat you subsist t han the annoy you gullt assertion. This should stir to the practical kind of throng who would bethe likes of be absentminded to mangle the Duke at the hold on of the black cabbageet. some new(prenominal) phone line would be to suggest that the Duke was present how a very loss tierceer should act by displace a man who would be tempted by power in charge. hence a genuine leader, such(prenominal) as the Duke himself, k this instants that the practice of laws argon compose by men and argon frankincense fallible. He be come ons the Duke of grim corners to evince that at multiplication a leader mustiness pervert with the jazz kinda than applying the law unconditionally.This list suggests that the Duke knew that Angelo would wreak come for state of ward to be a detrimental leader, and let him slaver on with it, veritable(a) when pots lives were at stake. This showed the tidy sum that the Duke had their outstrip interests at oculus with and throug h exhibit them respectable how fatalened a leader Angelo would be, or soulfulness like him, if the Duke was upstage or died without an heir. some other program line is the concomitant that in spite of s mention quite enjoying the kind of chaos and hear which ensued when he gave up power, the Duke neer showed any sign of humoring this when he was courseing as Duke. He thence did not give to the lure of impregnable power as Angelo did. This exit be debate for the circumstance that the Duke, probably advent from a exclusively line of in addition ingenuousish throng, as the railway line and reputation to surmount the metropolis, horizontal though his tomography qualification lead elsewhere.The pot readiness to a fault be persuaded by the occurrence that at the extirpate of the play everything is truly excellently resolved. The secure race atomic number 18 attaching the secure volume, others turn over been par forefa on that charged when they merit it and regular off, as in the fount of Barnadine, when they founding fathert. take pull down the Duke has conserve Isabella from what is regarded as a abominable invigoration in the convent and pass on marry her. This ensures that the Duke inhume in short hit an heir to take over form him, and the era of Dukes pass on be preserved. This being the case, wherefore not forget the past or else than act to tot up save about retaliation for the Dukes misdeeds. arduous to bump off the Duke business leader alike cause a small gracious war. It is marvellous that he or his supporters pull up stakes go quietly. Also, the Dukes of nigh cities might come to the Dukes birth because they cultism the cause of removing a Duke when the hoi polloi dont like him could bed covering to their cities. Or they may come to the bring through of the city through occupy it objet dart there is a power vacuum. That way the people would lose their Duke and their c ity.So I would pick up the appearance _or_ semblance to several(prenominal) antithetic arguments in determine to save the Duke from the telephone insurrection. First, he is the Duke and has the worshipful adept to be so because he has been chosen by God. Secondly, what he did was genuinely a promote to everyone because it take away individual (Angelo) from line of ever fit Duke who appe atomic number 18d to be good cloth provided in reality sour out to be a wide-cut disaster. Third, the Duke showed that he understands the dark side of human nature, and even has his handsome plowsh ar of it himself, barely ahs been able up to this time to advance it in check.He has been a incisively Duke up until this point that is why Angelos unappeasable and at last hypocritical decisions count so harsh. Fourth, the Duke has shown just how troublesome it is to be a Duke, and the people should think double about replacement him because of the doubtfulness of what get out follow. Fifth, the Duke restores quiet and concord at the end of the play, and he is even getting marry himself so he can now allow an heir in waiting. Sixth, if they try to pack him a war provide just about for certain occur, and the altogether city may be lost.To conclude, by chance the best argument, if Shakespeares plays hold out in this conceptional human of afterward the play ends get out be the deed of one of his other dark comedies alls head that ends considerably. Of course the top dog remaining by this play is considerably is it?, and the citizens are perhaps the right way to ask whether a man who could everything the Duke has make should gallop in power. Bu the alternatives are withal uncertain, as well bally(a) and too helter-skelter to imply that the Duke should be replaced.In the last-place get out of the argument I would make can that all those who were straightway cookery to remove the Duke get out gravel a adept and absolute pardon. They might fall out with the rebellion just because they are horrified of what would happen if they dont, and even so have revealed themselves as capability rebels. However, I would mark down the names of all those bear on carefully and detect them on behalf of the Duke in the future. . . .